Educational Support Material

The support material for American Wings; Iranian Roots is designed to be used with a secondary Language Arts or Social Science classroom setting.

Teacher support material 

Student Directions Sheet……………………Pages 1-2

Instructions for the Chapter Activities and Research Topics with explanation and examples

Student-ready Chapter Activities………Pages 3-23 

One page for each chapter with a chapter preview, journal topics, discussion questions, varied activities, dialectical journals, and literary connections  

Research Topics…………………………………Pages 24-25

For each chapter, a suggested research topic(s) to enhance understanding of the chapter

Templates Tables………………………………Pages 26-28 

For Chapter One, Five and Sixteen

Essay assessments…………………………….Pages 29-32

Literary analysis, expository, comparison-contrast, and persuasive 

Each essay type also available in a 5 paragraph format

Literary Circle Discussion Questions 

Included in the back of the book.

American Wings Iranian Roots

American Wings
Iranian Roots

Against the dramatic landscape of world altering events, Reza’s heroric journey unfolds.
