The Educational Support Materials are designed to be a compliment to the non-fiction narrative American Wings, Iranian Roots.
Review the Table of Contents for the complete list of the activities. Each section is user-friendly for both students and instructors.
The site also contains links to news clips, articles and documentation regarding the history, culture and politics of Iran.
The book is available in print, as an ebook and an Audible book! To purchase in bulk at a reduced price, contact the author at
Committed career educators, Reza and I recognize education to be the starting place to challenge stereotypes, foster compassion and build knowledge. We look forward to working with you in any capacity to bring Reza’s story to students around the world.
Email us or complete the form on the Contact Us tab accessible from the home page.
Please also review our additional resources below:
Additional Resources:
Reza (fluent in Spanish, English and Farsi) and (author) Kristin will come to your class, in person if possible or via Skyp, for a discussion/presentation with your students. There is no charge. Contact the author at
The American Wings, Iranian Roots Facebook Page includes additional photographs, video, news articles and chapter samples.
For a free digital copy of the Ed. Support Materials as a Word.doc, pdf file or as a shared Google Doc, please contact Kristin Orloff at
American Wings
Iranian Roots
Against the dramatic landscape of world altering events, Reza’s heroric journey unfolds.