Educational Support Material
The support material for American Wings; Iranian Roots is designed to be used with a secondary Language Arts or Social Science classroom setting.
Teacher support material
Student Directions Sheet……………………Pages 1-2
Instructions for the Chapter Activities and Research Topics with explanation and examples
Student-ready Chapter Activities………Pages 3-23
One page for each chapter with a chapter preview, journal topics, discussion questions, varied activities, dialectical journals, and literary connections
Research Topics…………………………………Pages 24-25
For each chapter, a suggested research topic(s) to enhance understanding of the chapter
Templates Tables………………………………Pages 26-28
For Chapter One, Five and Sixteen
Essay assessments…………………………….Pages 29-32
Literary analysis, expository, comparison-contrast, and persuasive
Each essay type also available in a 5 paragraph format
Assessments……………………………………..Pages 33-38
Two midterms and a comprehensive final
Answer Keys……………………………………..Pages 39-43
Chapter Discussion Questions
Midterms and final
Synopsis……………………………………………Pages 44- 47
A complete summary of entire story
Chapter by chapter summary……………Pages 48-56
Includes outline of socio-political references
Literary Circle Discussion Questions
Included in the back of the book.
Student Directions Sheet
For each chapter, you will complete the following assignments as directed by your instructor. Chapter Preview: A brief introduction to be read before reading the chapter.
Journal Topics: Choose one of the journal topics and complete the following four steps:
- Copy the topic onto the top of your paper.
- Write continuously for five minutes, unless a different time frame is given.
- Use one minute to reread your journal and underline your best ideas.
- Write a question at the bottom of the journal.
(1) Life Changing Moments
(2) There are many moments in a person’s life that can be life changing, but most of the time (3) we don’t realize that it is a life changing moment until much later. It could be a person we meet or a decision we make or even something that we (3) think is a total failure at the time only to understand later that it was the best possible thing that….
(4) How many life changing moments does a person experience in a year? A month?
American Wings
Iranian Roots
Against the dramatic landscape of world altering events, Reza’s heroric journey unfolds.

Discussion Questions: To be completed by independent written response, small group or whole class discussion. Answers should always include specific examples from the story.
Chapter Activity: Variety of activities for individual or groups.
Dialectical Journal entries: Three sections of text from each chapter will be selected for student response. The student can select an additional three sections of his or her own.
- Copy the text on the left side of your paper.
- Respond to the text with questions, drawings, ideas, personal connections, and comparative analysis. Respond once to each text. Use a variety of responses.
- Select three sections of your choice of text from the chapter. Copy text and respond.
Text from Chapter One
“‘Instinct is your fiercest weapon!” Abbas said as he held Reza’s shoulders and gave them a tug with each word. “Each movement, each twitch, each flicker must feed into a warrior.”
My Response
Why is Abbas being so intense with someone who is 8? He reminds me of my dad sometimes at my ball games. This could be an example of foreshadowing. It seems like Abbas is trying to teach his son more about life than just about wrestling. I like the idea of setting him up to be a warrior.
Literary Connection: For each chapter, an example of a literary technique or figurative language will be defined. Following the definition will be a question connecting the literary technique to the chapter. Answer the question in a complete sentence using specific examples from the story. Use resources, such as your text book or the internet, for additional information.
Character Journal: After the first chapter, students select a character to ‘follow’ and write a journal entry from that character’s POV. Characters to choose from: Reza, Hassan, Soraya, Ardeshir, or Abbas.
Example: “Soraya’s journal”
I can’t believe Babba made us go home early so Reza could see some stupid boxing match. And then he goes and falls off the roof. Too bad he only hurt his ankle. If he broke his leg, maybe he’d learn. And it’s not fair that only the girls have to wear head scarves! Why not boys!….
Research topics: For each chapter, there is a one or two suggested research topics.
As directed by your instructor, check the boxes and fill in the blanks.
My topic:______________________ For Chapter_________________
Oral Presentation
- Date Due_______________
- Presentation will be between____ and ____ minutes
- Use note cards
- No note cards, must be memorized
- Presentation will include a visual aid(s)
- The presentation is worth ____ points.
Written Research Report
- Date Due_____________
- Report will be between ____ and ____ pages
- Typed, double spaced with Time New Roman 12 pt. font
- Adhere to MLA
- Use at least _____ cite references.
- Bibliography to include _____ # of a variety of sources.
- ___ # of web sources
- ___ # of book sources
- ___ # of primary sources
- Tile page
- Table of contents
- Visuals, including maps, charts, tables, pictures, graphs, etc.
- Other:
- The written research report is worth _____ points.