Chapter Six & Seven
Spring 1976
Chapter Preview
Reza’s weight will be an issue at Nationals. Hassan wants to find a way for Reza to take a plane to Tehran. A discussion regarding Shah’s reforms adds insights to the political landscape
Four-part Journal Topic
- Sacrifice
- Shame, humility and pride
- Change in a society.
Discussion Questions
- Why does Hassan want Reza to take a plane rather than go to Tehran on a bus?
- What role does Mostafa play for Reza? For the family? In the village?
- How does the donation of money for Reza’s ticket reflect on Reza and his family?
- Discuss the views of the Shah as expressed in the conversation Mostafa leads.
- What inferences can you make about life in Iran?
Chapter Activity
Write a letter to Reza as if you are Hassan, Mostafa or Ardeshir. Give Reza advice, share your concerns and include words of encouragement.
Dialectical Journal
Selected text:
- “Rashid, how quickly you forget Shah’s reforms. He’s made good on distributing lands once held by only the Clerics to all the people.” Mostafa paused and the circle of eyes looked at the red dust. “Can you deny it is right that woman should vote, all children go school, to hospitals and…”
- Reza stood to his full, exhausted height. “I will be back in 23 minutes and I will weigh 42 Kilos.” The official hardly nodded.
- “What if I lose?” still loomed as a larger fear than “What if I crash?” So many people had given so much to buy this ticket, to put him on this plane, to fly him to Tehran.
Literary Connection
The setting refers to the time and place of the story.
In chapters one through four, several different places are described from the mountains of ancient ruins to the center of Tehran.
American Wings
Iranian Roots
Against the dramatic landscape of world altering events, Reza’s heroric journey unfolds.