Chapter Twenty-Seven
December 1983
Chapter Preview
Reza finds his family, but cannot successfully bring them to freedom.
Four-part Journal Topics
- Heroes
- Journeys
- Perseverance
Discussion Questions
- What is the plan to get the family to Belgium? What goes wrong?
- Describe the health conditions of Abbas, Pari and Mariam.
- Why does Reza trust the gas station attendant?
- Is Reza lucky?
- What is the greatest conflict facing the family at this point in the story?
Chapter Activity
Imagine you are Nimtaj. Write a one page letter to Reza.
Dialectical Journal
- Mostafa and the smuggler talked in low tones with much gesturing. Lighting his third cigarette, the smuggler nodded, shook Mostafa’s hand and then kissed him three times on the cheek. Reza winced. He joined them and looked hard at the man who had just kissed his brother. “My sisters will be safe. Because I will find you if they are not.”
- Two hours beat on Reza’s chest like the hooves of a wild beast. He thought of his sisters and how cold and scared they must be. He thought of Baba and how he counted on Reza to come through for them. He thought of the chance he was taking with this gas station attendant, but a chance fate forced on him.
- Her eyes sprung open and she dropped her tray to hug her brother. “I knew you’d come.”
Literary Connection
A motif is a recurring object, concept, or structure in a work of literature. A motif may also be two contrasting elements, such as good and evil.
In a well developed paragraph, analyze a motif used in the story.
American Wings
Iranian Roots
Against the dramatic landscape of world altering events, Reza’s heroric journey unfolds.