3. 1953 Coup and Shah of Iran

Shah Returns In Triumph (1953)

Topic: British Propaganda video presenting the return of Shah as a welcome triumph for Iranians.

Length: 1:30

“A Dying King: The Shah Of Iran” Director Bobak Kalhor On President Carter

Topic: An interview with the director of the documentary “The Dying King”–a full length documentary about Shah.

Length: 6:30

History of U.S. Intervention in Iran – 1953 Until Present

Topic: Clearly a different perspective than the British video, this video examines the U.S. and British influence in Iran from a framework that such influence was not welcome by most Iranians

Length: 9:48

Once upon a time in Iran – “Before the Revolution” on i24news

Topic: A documentary exploring the pre-Revolution relationship of Iran and Israelis.

Length: 4:21

CIA involvement in 1953 Iranian coup

Topic: CNN examines the information on then newly released documents regarding the 1953 Coup. Guest Robin Wright, from the Woodrow Wilson Center, provides additional analysis.

Length: 4:29

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At an NSC meeting in early 1953, President Dwight Eisenhower said “it was a matter of great distress to him that we seemed unable to get some of these down-trodden countries to like us instead of hating us.”

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The common wisdom is wrong; a history lesson is in order. It’s common wisdom that the CIA toppled the Shah of Iran. As so often, the common wisdom is wrong…

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White Revolution

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